
(Version: 1.1.5 260923T1608)
Bugs fixed (NotionalFilter)
Common Executable
Download this first
then executable -->
bitbot_linux_386 Tested on Ubuntu 12 +
bitbot_linux_amd64 Tested on Ubuntu 16 (64 bit)
bitbot_linux_arm Tested on Raspberry Pi 3
bitbot_linux_arm64 Tested on Jetson Nano
bitbot_darwin_amd64 Tested on Mac Mini
bitbot_windows_386.exe Tested on Windows 10 (32 bit)
bitbot_windows_amd64.exe Tested on Windows 10 (64 bit)


If you got a "license.key" file, backup it before full install. Than put it into "bitbot" folder.

Full install:

::: OR Console commands :::
Click button for your system & copy it!
wget --content-disposition "" --no-check-certificate
tar -xf bitbot_common.tar.bz2 && rm -f bitbot_common.tar.bz2
cd bitbot
wget --content-disposition "-" --no-check-certificate
tar -xf -.tar.bz2 && rm -f -.tar.bz2

Update only:

::: OR Console commands :::
Click button for your system & copy it!
cd bitbot
wget --content-disposition "-" --no-check-certificate
tar -xf -.tar.bz2 && rm -f -.tar.bz2

How to works


1. Login to your Binance account. From your Dashboard, Turn On

(Of course, keep some BNB in your account)
2. Get "API Key" and "Secret Key" from Binance API Management.
Configuration file is config.cfg file in "config" folder.

"api_key" Enter your Binance "API Key"
"api_secret" Enter your Binance "SECRET Key"
"web_password" Password for web interface.
"http_port" Port number for web interface (http).
"is_https" If true, connection will be secure (https)
If "is_https" is true, your web address is https://localhost:443
If "is_https" is false, your web address is http://localhost:8088
"https_port": Port number for web interface (https).
"https_file_crt": cert file path for https.
"https_file_key": key file path for https.


Default connection is secure (https). In "keys" folder there are preloaded self signed server certificate files. You can use them or run "" to get new self signed certificate. If you use self signed certificate, browsers may warn you about connection is not secure. Ignore it, keep going. Or you can get your certificate from services like Let's Encrypt


::: Options :::
If you get "permission denied" error, use sudo

-v verbose output


-testnet uses Binance Testnet. You can get your testnet API Keys here

-v -testnet

Without option logs turns off.

To stop if run in background